If you are serious about joining our group, copy and paste these questions with your information and e-mail it to ghoulparanormal@aol.com.
Location (city/state):
Phone Number(s):
How long have you been interested in the paranormal?
Have you had any experiences with the paranormal? If yes, please explain.
Have you done any research about ghosts or other aspects of the paranormal field? If yes, please explain in detail.
What interests you most about ghost hunting or the paranormal field in general?
Our investigations are generally on Saturdays. Would you be available most Saturdays for this?
What made you want to join G.H.O.U.L.?
Would you be dedicated to G.H.O.U.L.?
Anything else you want to tell us?
Thank you for taking the time to fill this out, we will get back to you as soon as we can concerning your application.